“Yeah babe, I don’t care that you’re talking to other people right now,” she pretended to file and fiddle with her nails.
“Why does this statement even have to exist?” he paused for a comfortable beat, “then.”
“Why did it occur to me? You’re asking? Why did it occur to me to say this?”
“Quit buying time.”
“Quit making me love you. With your sharp edges and digging ways..”
“Quit being this energized little fuck about all the wrong things.”
“Quit making it out to seem like you abuse me.”
“Who’s watching b? Who is ever really watching?”
“I want it to just be you and me,” she said. “But we’re too lonely for that.”
“Hence why you’re so hunky dory peachy king, cool, with the fact that I’m talking to others…”
“Finding myself,” with derision he mocked her.
“I can’t tell you why you’re scared. It’s actually boring as fuck for me to explore it.”
“Calling it boring is an umbrella statement, love.” He paused and composed. “Maybe we should work harder.”
“Thank goodness you’re with me.”
“It’s all we can ever be.”
“Thank goodness we can pretend to be satisfied with that statement for the time being.”