Little one
You outshine the mourning star
The star that shines your way
Into an ever-changing world.
Little one
Let the handprint of your love
Be engraved into my heart
To help me find the way.
Not broken anymore
But free forever indeed
Let your story shine the way
To the path we’re meant to take.
The pain, that cannot be forgotten
Not buried, not hidden, not concealed
It’s fresh like open wounds
Stinging, full of tears
I know that you trusted me, loved me
Even when I couldn’t save you
It’s part of who I am
I promise to live on when they are weak
To fight so I can be strong
To hold your fading hand
And never let your gift be forgotten
When life fails and hope dies
Like a lily unfolding to a blue sky
Like a young bird just learning to fly
Like a creek bubbling a content sigh
Let love be born.