An Unwanted Room
Francis Bacon wrote, "All colours will agree in the dark."
When you cannot see, it is nothing to put away your prejudices, your suspicions, your anticipations. You are content to feel around the walls of your heart and find your own way through this world, alone if at times necessary.
In the light, you can see all those prejudices, suspicions, and anticipations. Most cling to them, don't they? We see it in how they all treat each other. God forbid they should ever feel around the walls and find their own way out their unwanted room; better they push off another apparently.
Not you. You see your own prejudices, but you do not cling to them. You see them for what they are – the real dark things. It is an unwanted room out which they could never feel your way.
What Bacon wrote about was not the real dark, but merely the absence of light. A temporary, often voluntary condition, a convenience if one wishes their colours to artificially agree.
Turn on the light. You might yet find your colours agree anyway.