The guy
Enter dream land focus on the girl by a stream . She sleeps and dreams of a guy she met a number of years ago, and Desired to get to know him Mind and Body. She smiles at the thought. He walks in her memories tall and tan with a smirking grin that turns to a sexy smile. She is but a child but something stirs within. Now it’s later in years and she has crossed paths with him again. The stirring starts again and she is the young girl again . She Desires to know his mind and body. Is he the same smirking guy that first caught her eye? She gets to know him partially but not as a whole. She thinks back and decides that she knows enough and the desire to know more of his mind and body waning as she realized that he has grown into the smirking guy with the ego to go with that grin but he is now a arrogant Jackass that says all I have is sex to give to anyone. The sex not worth trying to get past the ego. She wakes and walks away from both him and the stream for good.
She lived Happily Ever After
with a new Guy