What you need to know about Domain Name
Sometimes you need to quickly get a full report on a domain. You can use various services https://kparser.com/domain-name-generator/ to find new ideas for your domain name and to immediately show WHOIS records for any domain, a response from a DNS server, site indicators such as Yandex TiTs and Google PageRank.
WHOIS is an Internet protocol used to obtain information about domain names including, the name of the server associated with the domain, the administrator of the domain to whom it is registered, mail and technical contacts E-mail and mailing address.
DNS records are used to control the operation of the domain zone. For example, for the site to work, determine the IP address of the server, mail characteristics, etc.
TIC and PR are, in other words, the rating of your site compared to other sites. The higher the TIC and PR indicators, the higher your site will be in search results for one or another request.