"In another world, maybe....."'d kiss me. maybe.....we'd go see Hamilton together. maybe.....she would've laughed at me. The possibilities are endless. The story is open ended. Tell me what could've happened in another world and why it can't happen in this one. Why is the world we live in so flawed? Please tag me in the comments, I'd love to see your work.
No Such Luck.
In another world, maybe you would have made it.
Maybe you would have jumped a little farther.
Maybe that rock wouldn't have been lose when your foot hit it.
Maybe the ditch wouldn't have been so deep.
But no such luck.
This is this world, and you fell.
You hit the ground hard, and we all knew from the sound you made on impact, that there was no use trying to get you out.
In another world, maybe you wouldn't have been so stupid.
But then you wouldn't have been you. . . would you?