There was a time when I was brave. When I could tame the beasts in my head, lay with the lions in my heart, and hunt with the wolves in my lungs. But the sun and moon have both set on my bravery. All I have are undiscovered stars, and undesired fears. I no longer have the courage to face myself, and I could blame you for that, but I am the one at fault. You backed me into the corner of myself, but I chose to lock myself inside. I am the prison and the key. The wound and the bandage. The infection and the healer.
One day, maybe even today, I will be brave again. I will lasso the sun and the moon and put them back in my sky. I will tame my beasts. I will lay with lions. I will hunt with wolves. I will breathe without the fear of suffocation. I will face myself. I will finally see that I am beautiful, even when you say I'm not. I will stand and proudly proclaim my imperfections, because without them, the light would never have found its way in.