Without friends life is miserable.
A great thing in life is friendship.
One should know how to make a friendship.
Those who are lucky only will have friends.
Without that the life is zero, empty, miserable.
But some don't know how to make friendship at all.
It is told that "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
But there should be friends, whether they help or not.
And that is the usual case. Very few help others.
Everybody ask god in their own favour.
Very few people will pray God for others' sake.
God has made some people helpless, who
doesn't know how to take favour from anybody,
whether at house or from outside people.
They can't win anybody's heart.
Being justful they won't get any value.
Don't know why God makes some people like this.
People will quarrel with such people without reasons.
And such people don't know to get angry also
in very serious situations also and hence nobody value them.
Maybe it is the fruit of previous birth deeds.
Just because they don't mingle with others,
people think that they are proud of.
I have seen so many people like this.
It is nothing else other than the
thing that their luck is bad.
God only should save such people.
Even if we feel mercy towards such people,
we don't get the courage to talk towards them,
though they are on the right side,
as all will be talking against them.
Some times it so happens that only one person
is on the correct side and the whole world will
think in the wrong direction & will be blind,
not understanding at all. Such people won't get justice at all.