A nightmare is something that can affect a child for a second but that terrible dream could easily be replaced with reality, making that child realize that the boogeyman underneath their bed was really their old stuffed dog that they've forgotten. But what if that child was stuck in a nightmare? Not with the boogeyman waiting to grab those little toes- a person this child knew. Every single day, whether it be night or day, that child would live in fear of this person and would be anticipating the impact of abuse or neglect and lives this life of feeling useless. 'Why am I being treated this way?' 'Why don't they love me?' 'What can I do to make this pain stop?' These thoughts and worries can only be mere thoughts because that child feels useless, not upholding enough power to say what's on their mind. Fear holds them hostage and this 'boogeyman' controls the fear that bares its teeth towards the child. This is why we need to speak up for these children. We have the voices needed to help these kids and if we took the time to recognize the signs of abuse or neglect, we have the strength that that child needs to free them from this monster they call fear and from the 'boogeyman' that controls the beast.
How a child is raised will affect how that child will turn out to be in the future. Fill a child with love and affection, then this upbringing will be passed down and that child will grow up with feelings based off of that love. Fill a child with hate, neglect, abuse, and violence will result to producing a person that will only recognize these detestable feelings and become a human filled with a vengeful spirit. If we prevent this development from happening at an early stage then we can create and save a child's pure soul from the stains of negative affection. An abused child is silently reaching toward us and once we realize this, we can reach out toward them and save them from their live of being beaten- physically and emotionally. That person they knew; that person they THOUGHT they knew... They've corrupted a child's mind. That trust shatters and since a child is dependable on an adult, now, they don't have anybody else to look up to. Nobody to save them, nobody to realize the hurt and pain because we are all either oblivious to the situation or we're trying to blind ourselves from the dark truth.
Abuse is everywhere. ranging from children to the elderly and somewhere in this world, there is a sick human being finding violence either enjoyable or they are benefitting themselves in some way. We need to start with the children and save them. Save their pure hearts and help them through this traumatic case. Stopping their nightmare and scaring away this 'boogeyman' will help so much for that child. Five minutes of their young lives can feel like five years. This issue is all around the world, all over this country! The US has the worst records- losing about an average of 4 to 7 kids each day. We could be saving lives here and these abused kids covered in bruises and tears streaking down those plump cheeks, they could grow up with so much potential. That little boy across the street? He is constantly covered head to toe in bruises as if the blue and black spots were his natural color. His cuts are visible through the clothes he wore; some just scars, some just fresh. That boy never cried. He was too scared to cry and too scared to ask for help. 'Don't you ever tell anybody about this! GOT IT?!' That voice yells at him every single second of his life. It's everywhere. When he gets home, when he's all alone... Being alone is what scared him the most. He doesn't want to be left all by himself. Sure, he's being beaten on a day to day basis but he fights silently, looking ahead at what life has to offer him. Finally. Somebody reaches out their hand. 'Are you alright?' they had asked him. He nods, emotionless yet filled with a tiny spark of hope that someone has finally noticed him. The person tilts their head to the side, clearly not convinced that this bruise covered boy was alright. This person right here saved the boy. They took the action to report the signs of abuse and that little boy was clear evidence of the violence happening. That little boy across the street? He's grown up now. He is covered with love by his new family he has. Those scars of the past remain on his body but he isn't afraid anymore. That boy isn't alone anymore. He doesn't have to live in fear anymore but he's going to be honest... The past still haunts him. Nothing like that should ever, EVER happen to a kid.
Let us be the voices for these kids and begin saving them. Their souls, their spirit, their LIVES. Sick people that result to violence and use that against a helpless being should be stopped because nobody deserves that kind of treatment. It makes them feel useless, powerless. Please, I beg of you to look into this issue and not only around the world, about around your surroundings. Don't be afraid to reach out a hand. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help. There are so many opportunities for these children but their too afraid and too scared to know their full potential.