One piece of paper with a few little words on it, that's all.
"Congratulations, Sophia!
You've been accepted to the Center School. News for incoming freshmen....."
There were definitely more words.
But those were the only ones I cared about.
Escaping from the dirty looks and whispered insults; the smug smiles on the faces of preps, jocks, dropouts and lowlifes of my second school might be the coward's way out, but either way, I was taking it and bombing away from the memories of that trash hole as fast as possible.
Three years seemed like thirty with a cafeteria full of crappy food and people judging, judging, judging themselves and others.
Every one of you know: all I do is complain about that dump, but honestly, I couldn't be happier.
I made it through my last year alongside seven and a half friends.
Now I'm sprouting up in an altogether different environment with par-zero people in my comfort zone.
Starting over should be great if you don't count the socializing, and I'm not going to miss a thing.