The Future
Three sets of dark blue eyes under untidy blond hair, filled with intelligence and an active imagination. Different personalities, strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes- all encapsulated in brilliant minds with great potential.
One has a tendency to doubt herself and to avoid failure by never trying. Another feels so passionately that she throws furniture and cries desperately and believes and says the worst things. The youngest is belligerent and has a perverse sense of humor.
Children of divorce, they are familiar with the disappointment and disruption of having two lives. The cognitive dissonance of hearing such negative things about someone you love and who is kind and loving to you causes confusion and distress in young, developing minds, but their childlike wonder of the world and selfish enjoyment of love given heal most wounds.
The next generation is the future. And after them, the next and the next and the next. Each generation gives something new- each child is a product of their circumstances and the world they inhabit. In each generation, there is progress and a desire to do better than their parents.
That's why, for these three children, I give them all the love, all the guidance, and all the hope that I can. I'm the future for my parents, the present to my siblings, and the aunt to the future.