A Story To Make A Gray Sky Blue Again
Once upon a time, there was someone named Sammy_Sam_Sam. They were very sad, because they had been trapped in a high tower that climbed above the clouds and was gaurded by blood-thirsty ogre that took joy in slaughtering any who tried to rescue Sammy_Sam_Sam. Well, one day, Sammy_Sam_Sam had quite enough of this monster's shenanigans and tossed a small pebble from their window. The tower was so high that as the pebble fell, it went faster and faster until it was flying faster than a bullet. The tiny pebble hit the orge on the top of his head and split him in half with the force.
Sammy_Sam_Sam left their tower and walked into town triumphiantly. When everyone gathered at the inn where they were staying, they asked them, "How did you escape?" Sammy_Sam_Sam drank down his tall glass of milk and said in a booming voice, "I'm a strong, independent, wonderful human being who don't need no savior to rescue me! Nobody can tell me what I can and can't do." The townfolk were amazed and gave Sammy_Sam_Sam a palace to live with his family and friends. Also, Sammy-Sam_Sam rescued all the stray pets and had a miniature version of the palace for their home.