Age Of Apostasy
I was born with the sun shining upon my skin
I was born into a world saturated with sin
pestilence shone, through his void grinned
for the second I broke from the womb the sky above dimmed
birthed not from a mother but a sick man
my coming heralded an end, the age of apostasy began -
those I loved killed by the evil inside
cursed by a Devils backbone, there was no where to hide
[but inside their minds]
now I live with the beautiful people and their screeching cries
I avoid their clumpy fingers, their black empty eyes,
vying for flesh and choking upon lungs of rubber
floating with a ghastly gracefulness that makes the north wind shudder
[bullet wounds
gunshot holes -]
with the devil inside I know only fear
knowing nothing of love, my soul bedridden and queer -
[maggots and live thriving
between fleshy folds]
in the distance a woman cries, piercing the silence like a bell
surely that can't be -
surely that can't be the scent of sex I smell?
Alas 'twas only wishful thinking, my pretence playing unfair,
the beautiful people finally had prey and were stripping her bones bare -
ruthless, ecstatic, bodies twisted and vile
clutching strips of flesh only then did they laugh and smile.