What I do When I’m Bored
Well, I’m usually too busy to be bored but when I am I have a variety of ways to entertain myself...
I imagine what my life would be like if I can make all of my dreams come true, what my day to day life would be like, the people I would meet, the people I would help, the incredible things I would do.
I write about what my characters do in-between chapters or in-between books or just the things they do that people don’t typically expect to or want to read in an adventure novel. I write about their day to day routines, their hobbies, what they eat at every meal, their pet peeves.
I write a dialogue between my characters and I as well as dialogue between my characters and other more iconic characters. (eg Emperor Jacob and Emperor Palpatine)
(eg Rebecca meets young Luke Skywalker) (eg I and Emperor Jacob)
When all else fails I listen to music. Music helps my ‘creative muscle’ work. It helps me better visualise my writing.