What if/Jesus is King
Jesus is the skeleton key to unlock all the boxes and break all barriers and tear down walls of our hearts that hold grudges against one another. That’s the Holy spirit at work! He’s still Rolling Stones away....
There’s power in His NAME. I had a conversation with a kid yesterday talking about how he was going to see Kanye’s movie Jesus is King. I agreed and said well yes Jesus IS king. He then asked why Jesus? I said Resurrection power. He’s the only one who’s done that.
We talked about the Universe, love, energy etc I said yes I believe in all that but I do believe also that Jesus rules over it all. God created it all, set it all in motion. My personal experiences this year led me to those beliefs. He said well I’m more spiritual. I’m not religious. I simply looked at him and smiled and said yes, so am I. It’s not about a religion to me. It’s a personal relationship with my Jesus. The kid didn’t want to “limit” it to a PERSON. I woke up this morning thinking of course not... that’s where we mess up. We LIMIT Jesus when we think he’s JUST a person who’s limited like WE are. He is KING! He is GOD personified! He came to show us the way, that there is life beyond our limited beliefs of the Universe! In April when I had my “Very Big Day” and couldn’t shut up about boxes... how we need to put our brains in the box and let God out... THIS is what I meant. I didn’t know exactly what I was talking about but it made sense to me. We limit God so much and we even put Jesus in a box in our brains because our human brains can not wrap around the possibilities of God’s true power if we only let HIM rule over us.
What if we finally let go of the keys, gave them back to God and let him drive/lead the way?
What if?