Deaf Love
A wish speaks softly in deaf worlds for us
Becoming a composition in sign language
Creating songs of a lifetime tango for two
Dancing with our butterfly hands that talk
Eloquently moving conversation in place
Flowering every sweet moment of faith
Gracefully speaking of the love we share
Hearing with our hands and seeing forever
Imagining flight, we fly over the rainbows
Just as we are soaring now, we will always be
Kindling light on the two hearts that beat as one
Lady’s man finding everything she’s ever wanted
Moving universes closer to rhythm that she feels
Newer reaching stars are for touching our dreams
Onward and forward, we live in wide open spaces
Perfect pitch for a man in his rightful proposal
Quartets are singing in the constellations for him
Revisiting the night of his first embrace with her
Serenading the sweet silent hours of having it all
Truly hearing in ways that only the deaf are able
United with our moving hands and growing hearts
Very close to our precious wedding day to come
Willfully giving our lives to protect each other
Xenial reception from treasured family and friends
You are my safeguarding anchor, I am your wings
Zackary and Jaime, husband and wife, always one.