With every problem that humanity solves, we create dozens more. Hunger, homelessness, war, our problems are multiplying like the heads of a hydra, with every head that is lopped off two more grow back, problems and issues spiraling out of control. We are losing our grasp on what used to be an easier battle, the weapons we used to hold firm in our hands now slipping as the weight of our countless failures and mistakes starts to take a toll. The trajectory of our planet is slowly getting worse, heading towards imminent danger that many don’t believe exists. Our world has veered sharply off course, and we are barreling into the unknown at an unsustainable speed, moving forward so quickly that soon there will be no ground left to run on. But the problem is, as we tumble forward into the future, we haven’t quite figured out what direction forward is. The whole world isn’t on the same page, we are charging on to hundreds of different paths leading hundreds of different directions, but they’ll all end up regressing our attempted progress until we pause long enough to go at the same speed, catching the entire world up on the mountains of problems stacked before us, and only then will we be able to forge the rocky path ahead of us, to help our plummeting trajectory begin to curve upwards again. This will finally allow us to get to the summit of our problems and be able to accept the fact that all the peaks rising in the distance are ones we will eventually have to climb, but know that now we are capable of solving them, unified, not alone.