Color story
Write something revolving around a certain color. It could be a single color or the entire spectrum, whatever floats your boat. Poetry or prose. Tag me for feedback and have fun!
The winter’s end brings it forth,
It springs vibrant from the ground,
Parts the rich and frozen earth,
Adorns the rocks and oaks all round,
It’s the colour of new life,
That’s called upwards by the Sun,
Of ponds it makes a vivid jungle,
Where plant and creature carry on,
It soars high on wings so great,
And backs the pecking at the peaks,
Hides the serpent from the skies,
And with a croak it loudly leaps,
It spreads a blanket on the floor,
It’s the coat that wears the trees,
It’s the canopy up above,
’Til fall chases it from the leaves.