The Cave
The eye seeks light.
The eye seeks light
the beacon to banish
The pit in the stomach
the hairs on the neck
The pupils widen
tiny black mouths
keen to devour-
The milky moon
the dancing candle
the winking stars.
Use, abuse, adjust.
Quickly, now.
It is not the darkness
that the eyes fear-
and it’s not until
there’s nothing
when they aren’t sure
if they’re open or shut-
confused. Confounded.
Lost underground
and the candle is gone-
there’s no moon to see-
the stars are distant
They stare. Reach out-
and falter.
Your eyes fail you.
There is just blackness.
The cold touches
your skin
the dampness
like phantom’s fingers.
Tracing. Testing.
You know the space around you
is wide but
it’s growing tighter-
coming in to crush. Consume.
Something is dripping-
slick saliva off
stalactite fangs.
A chill settles deep
in your chest-
Your breathing grows
harsher. Mounting panic.
Trapped with nothing
but your imagination
at play like scribbling madmen
wielding bloody pens.
And the truth is clear:
what you fear is not the darkness
but the absence of the light.
For there are things
that see without it.
They see you.
But you-
You can’t see them-
coming closer.