Challenge of the Month XI: December
The Unknown. Perhaps it's our purpose, or an obscure branch of theoretical physics. Maybe it's the existence of a supreme being, or the origin of life. Or maybe it's something more personal. Write about something unknown. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners.
Leave them be.
D o you know the unknown?
O bviously you dont.
N obody knows the unknown.
T o be honest she would rather not be known.
F alling into a endless spiral thinking about him wont help.
E ventually we're all going to have to greet her face to face.
A ll living being's have to face death.
T hat's unknown.
I think that maybe we should leave him alone.
T that we should just enjoy what we have now.