Truth is...
... Exactly what you believe it is. You see, we all have our own "truths" that we live by. Some say "God is true, and all men are liars". Others say "God is a lie, man is most honest".
Truth is what you base your life on.
Like your name for example. Is it really your "true" name?
I say, "do good to others and others will do good to you". Some say, "each man for himself, protect yourself." Both statements are true.
Truth is what we want it to be.
Truth is personal.
A truth for me might be a lie for someone else. Someone's lie may be my truth.
S.R. lies when he says that malt beverages are nasty. Ovaltine malt flavored milk is TRULY the best tasting milk on the planet! He says it "truly" isn't.
The question isn't, "what is truth?" The real question should be, "what is YOUR truth?"