In Your Eyes
I saw it in your eyes, a snapshot of a frozen memory
The small fractals, delicate and small, designed so cleverly
We saw them fall, white glitter, blanketing the world
And the air, so light yet so frigid, around us it swirled
The moonlight brightened the land, a pure white kiss
One moment we stood, touching the snow, in perfect bliss
Even in the dark, there was a glow from the pearl white clouds
My arms outstretched, smiling at the snow which enshrouds
Us from the rest of the world, holding us within it’s trance
The wind carried the snow with grace, slowly, much like a dance
The lights around us were Scattered and spotted amongst the velvet night
But Did you see what I saw? Hidden within the soft light?
I saw magic, springing from our hearts and up into the sky.
But I never understood the fascination, all I could ask was why
but standing here, falling in love with the iridescent snow
Feeling it touch my skin, shocking my nerves, I finally know
Because I saw your eyes, around the frozen ground they roam
I think somewhere, in the magic of the snow, it reminded you of home
You were fond of what floated from the worlds above
And once again, I saw it in your eyes, an intrinsic love