Simpler Days
I miss the simpler days.
It is not that they were better days,
They just required a lot less energy to breathe.
Riding around with friends
Blasting Usher and Kesha
Trying to find people who would buy us alcohol
Acting innocent while rushing the gates of our boundaries.
Curfews were early
And days were long
And it felt great.
It felt beautiful to be alive.
To be breathing and know that we were living.
Kissing friends and strangers
And partying with people who started out as acquaintances and ended up being our best friends.
No cares, just freedom.
Wind in our hair
And love in our hands.
Being reckless and raw and powerful.
I miss the simpler days.
I would trade the better days to go back
Breathe living air, and drink healing waters again.