Death May or May Not Be The Solution.
Today was the first time in a long time
That I considered killing myself.
Who would miss me?
Who would wish they has something sweeter the last time we spoke?
Who would weep, who would mourn, who would notice my absence...?
The questions swirled around in my head
As tears welled up in my eyes.
It's been raining for four days
And that is how I feel inside
There are flash flood warnings echoing in my heart
And my spirits levies have broken,
There is nothing to keep the rushing waters of despair at bay.
Am I really precious to anyone,
Or is that just what they tell me to get my clothes off?
Am I wise or am I just as foolish as the rest?
If I just drove my car off the road, no one would know
And the flames would burn away my scars.
But my heart would never stop being cold
It would never stop aching
And I'm not sure that death is or is not the answer to my dilemma..
The dilemma of my own humanity.
It is a beautiful travesty.
The beating of a heart, the flowing of blood
The breaking of bones, and the closing of eyes.
There is a journey that I am on, one that I don't feel strong enough to complete.
What if I fail at the journey just like I have failed to sleep at night or keep the demons quiet while I try to pray to a God I was taught exists but am not sure actually does. Belief has been beaten into me. Belief is a burden. Salvation is a scar I wear like a scarlet letter. My chest is exposed and some say that it is sinful, but it is only flesh, flesh that covers my heart. The thing they claim is both a wellspring of life and wicked and deceitful...
I drove, fast and reckless, only obeying the speed limit of my emotions. I don't want to hurt anymore. I don't want to wonder if I am a saint or a sinner. I don't want to wander around playing lost and found with my own destiny. I don't want to hate, or hurt, or care, or be twisted up inside of myself anymore.
I made it to the house I flippantly call home. I was safe, but not saved. I was still everything I hate being - a broken beautiful girl who hates herself for faking wholeness and smiling through the tragedy of a life un lived.