I hope...
As I sit upon the witness chair
At the judge I'm supposed to stare
Give my story, my heart I'll bare
Beg for a sentence long and fair
Explain how hard it's been to cope
May confess how I've turned to dope
Through words of emotion I will grope
Hold myself together, is my hope
I'll tell of memories I hold dear
Then tell of what I now most fear
All his charges I dread to hear
When it's over I'll seek a beer.
I walk in numbness, dread and pain
The thought of seeing him again
Is nothing more than a mental strain
My love for him I need to explain
I just want to hold him one last time
Regardless of the type of his crime
My soul and heart aches and pines
knowing he may be away for a lifetime
Will they let me see him?
I hope
Will they let me hug him?
I hope.
Will he want to see me?
I hope.
I hope.
I hope.