If I were to drown what then? is it black? is it bright and shiny? as my meat machine sinks to the bottom of the dark and crushing ocean am I in it? or will I go somewhere else? i think im drowning, therefore, i am drowning. so when will i stop thinking that im drowning? when i stop thinking, and how can i stop thinking, does my flesh reject the dead thinker or will the thinker remain with the flesh and fall into the earthen crust darkly? If I believe, will my all powerful friend bring my thinking thing into the outside, beyond what we can see with our meat and our machines? or if i dont believe, will my righteous friend keep my eternally thinking thing connected to the meat machine I cherished so dear? is this hell? dark. trapped. restrained in the lifeless weight of my ephemeral body, feeling the weight of the water surround and slowly start to crush me, the heat of the thermal vents pushing my grayness here and there ever spiralling downwards. the unnerving feeling of microscopic organisms and the gore of Gods hidden beasts gnawing on my cold, soggy, all too feeling flesh. and i go unnoticed. my agony unchecked. If I were to drown my question would be answered, but will i be around to recieve it?