I miss ...
I miss the times when life was easy and we all had fun. When the dandelions danced in the breeze and money was not a problem. When love was spread and hope was not lost. When my family told me that everything was going to be okay. When I snuggled in to my mother's arms for the comfort I needed most. When we were not struck by fate and when there was peace. When all was well and not a peice was missing in my life.
When people did not die. When I spent time laughing with my friends with no trouble. When no one would judge me for how I looked or how I dressed. When I had silly moments to share. When fear and anger did not have a grasp on my heart, clutching it till it poured out. When the tears did not fall on to the bathroom floor. When I had people supporting me. When I lived next to my best friend. When I ran happily in the meadow, laughing and playing while the wind flowed through me. When I realized fear was no more.
I miss the moment when I first saw my sister, snuggled in my arms, looking like the cutest little thing in the world. I miss the relative who died, who laughed with every single day. I miss the times when I thought money was never a problem. I miss when people did not fight. When the future was not secured. When I stare at the stars and feel wind slashing at my face. When I ran accross stage and sang to my heart's content. When I did not have to wonder why people died or why did I have to go through this. When we all played onnthe playground, racing eachother to the end. When I graduated elementary. When life was easy. My childhood.