Opening to a show
I'm talking opening to a series, cartoon show, anything of the sort. I have Avatar: The Last Airbender opening 'Water, earth, fire, air...' in my head right now, but it can also be like a theme song. Something short and catchy. Both existing and imaginary (as in, your own, all of it is imaginary) shows allowed.
Someone Please Make This Into a Movie Opening
*freeze frame*
*Main Character in a perilous situation*
MC: Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation.
*frame unfreezes*
Director: Cut!
*zooms out to reveal movie set*
MC: Just kidding! I’m an actor!
*truck bursts through the wall of the set*
*all hell breaks loose*
*frame freezes with a close up of the MC’s terrified face*
MC: oop, never mind.