If you close your eyes you can see more clearly
The yellows are brighter
Ray's dancing on your skin
Pulls you head tall.
The smile is enviable.
Reds are deeper
Friendships irreplaceable
Love undeniable, invanquishable
Passion unapologetic
Blues softer
The lullaby pulls you under
The sea takes you away
The fall is boundless underneath the scattered spiteful heavens
Greens suddenly feel like pulses.
It is the beat of the world.
Every moment feel precious.
Life becomes more important than your troubles.
It becomes humbling in the scope of the emerald rock
Grey is still neutral
It is stone and guts
Its solemn, draining
The lift in your face is pulled away with each passing life you honour
Your shut eyes are all that is keeping the tears from pulling the rest through you
Brown is dirty and mucky
How could your adventures not play back through your body in recognition?
The grains of sand squishing in your toes
The spike up your whole leg when you put yourself deep into a carving arc in the snow
Your whole arm is part of a larger vibration clawing your way up the mountain
The even bigger high pulling your insignificance to the top of a very big world
Your enlightened vision falls into your eyelids
You can see only yourself now
Its black
Void, emptiness lays inside for you to craft and mold into whatever you can imagine
Black is space for creation
It is the dreams you see in the stars
And take your whole life to reach
It is also your solitude
It is the loneliness your life is spent running from
The truth you can't accept and therefore won't see
Your eyes are open now
You have seen the shades of your life
How deep you should strive for
The fears you have to face
And only at the end is there white
It is the colour of understanding
For only when you embrace all colours can you realize they are all one thing: purpose
Purpose and purity shine through each of us and scatter into rainbows we chase the rest of our lives until we reach enlightenment and stand tall in the dark void.