I respect this book!!!
I read this book in my student years. Like everyone in my teens, I had an interest in mafia romance. Before we left with my roommate, we watched movies about the mafia. One day, he brought Mario Puso’s book “The GodFather”. We were so engrossed in this subject that we felt the lack of information we received from the movies and the hunger for more content on the subject. That is why we have already started to find and read his books. After reading this book, I realized that no matter how great a movie is, it can never be a book.
The book was so intriguing that the book was the one that was dropped first. Even when I arrived, if he had grabbed the book heroically, I’d have to run to the street to say, “Give me a minute and let me compare what he says here.” I would go into the park, take a bottle of water, and travel to America in the 40s of New York with my favorite book ...
The God Father” is a work by the famous American writer Mario Puzo. The book was published in 1969. The modern occupational criminal syndicate in the USA - Don Corleone is about the truth about the mafia. An equally credible and skillfully recorded experience is the ability to get into the most dangerous mafias’ rooms and make new money without having any life experience. The UK Association of Criminal Records is in demand, and the world’s largest criminal records will be included in the 100 rankings. Based on the work, in 1972, director Francis Ford Coppola starred Marlon Brando and Al Pachino. This movie is also a well-researched award, and now depends on the movie in the history of world cinema. These IMDB performances fall to 2nd place.