This is Love...
I don't believe in soulmates...not anymore. But I do believe in connections, I believe in feeling comfortable around a person, in knowing that they do not judge you. That your quirks and 'strange' habits are not something to be frowned on but rather interesting puzzles that when put together make you whole. Is that love? I don't know but I do know that it's not feeling scared or anxious. Love does not make you feel inadequate. It does not learn your vulnerabilities to use as a tool for destruction. I am learning that when you can spend time with a person and their scent, the way they smile.. the questions they ask, when they remember that you like salt and vinegar flavoured potato chips.. when they can feel your sadness and just hold you without expectation, when you can laugh in their presence and when they leave you with a sense of peace, that's love. I have been instantly attracted to a person I met online but our conversations, the way he made me laugh even though he could not see me have sustained that connection. Sometimes these connections do not last but I would not exchange that feeling of connection with another soul for anything..