Long ago I cut myself off from the world
Yet I feel more awake than ever
I dedicate my life to the path of light, to truth, freedom, love
My grandma died
I feel nothing
I saw my dad cry for the first time ever
As they zipped up his mother’s body and carried her out of her home for the last time
I felt something then, but not much
I was busy watching
All I had was interest
I watched everyone and how they behaved
How close everyone became to one another
For awhile without even needing any booze
I felt more love than I did sadness
I guess this all happened during a strange time in my life
Everyday I feel as though I need to preserve it
I feel as though I am myself dying
My body and mind seem to be on their way out
I don’t know how to share my pain
My dad doesn’t believe my struggles
My mom thinks its because I don’t eat animals
I stopped eating them because I was sick
Still I suffer, but it’s clear now that it’s not the lack of meat that’s causing my dis-ease
My dog he couldn’t live without me
He suffers as much as I do
Why is my life so goddamn strange
I just want to leave it all, my mind included
If I must, the body can go too
I just ask for peace
This world hurts
A wounded child expected to be a brave, hard working man
A man that is expected to ‘put himself out there’
To make something of this life
To wear a suit and tie for a job interview
To grab drinks with overworked coworkers and talk about the shit show of a week we just had
To forget about the mundane struggle for two days
To indulge in food, drinks, and television
This life doesn’t make sense to me
I don’t want to be part of it