Beautiful Misery
A single tear,
Seeping out, oh so discrete,
Sweet as n e c t a r
As g o l d e n as the Sun.
It runs down a sorrowful and beautiful face,
Lands on the d e a d and decayed Earth.
S u r p r i s e shines in those eyes;
A flower has bloomed,
"Impossible" she breathes,
And the b r e e z e awakens and blows through her long hair,
She runs her fingers through her l u s c i o u s brown locks,
And suddenly the clouds part ways,
Revealing the a u r e a t e Sun,
It's rays making the flowers b l o o m fuller, brighter,
The rain drizzles s o f t l y down,
Spattering her golden b r o w n skin,
The world finally breathes,
And to think
All of this was born from her wonderful misery,
A whole new world full of nature and beauty...