The Present
Happiness. A trivial word, one that could keep philosophers busy for hours and leave artists interpreting in thousands of ways. Happiness is different for everyone but for me, it is the present. If you had asked me 1 year ago what is happiness I would say, “I’m not quite convinced I’ve ever had true happiness. How can you have something you can’t define.”
If you ask me now I’ll say it’s the present. It’s what fills the atmosphere, it’s the girl next door who makes you blush, it’s family gatherings that make you nervous. It’s the sun, moon, stars and all the space between. It’s the reason we wake up every day, the very illusion of its existence motivates us to find it. Searching for happiness is like that awkward moment when you look for your glasses but they’ve been upon your head the entire time. It’s having stability in your life. I know this because last year I was happy. I could only see it once it was a memory. My dad was alive and his sheer reality brought me happiness, I just didn’t realize it would be different, my dad has passed away and now I know happiness is memories that are being made. I’m happy right now in the sense that I can see what I have. I realized those glasses were upon my head and I’m now looking through them seeing the world clearer than I ever have before.