Last attempt.
I deserve everything and nothing at all.
face down
staring at chestnut
as I fiddle with the laces
Why must I go on with such pride?
meaty muscle mingles in my mirror
moons of eyes plead to hear my grey heart.
If you could call it that.
More like a daunting weight in my chest.
fingers tug at the corners of its lips,
stretching a smile over the façade of a face
teeth clinking against wood
looking back up into my reflection
red bundles strew out emotion
gasping for mercy
In a last attempt to catch my attention,
my heart jumps on my sleeve.
On display for anyone to see such a frivolous action.
And I feel.
I’m being swallowed,
but, her dusty chambers are weak.
A now heartless mind launches into action
without thought
grips until the last of her ruby warmth gurgles and cracks out
the last of the horror filled wails spew out of a tight lipped mouth.
tear tracks lead to detached eyes.
As unforgiving, scarlet stained hands string up my mask.
the caramel skin contrasts the color so sweetly
look at my manipulated mirage
ego painted perfectly,
my mind sighs a reassuring, “you look perfect.”