make me
wish I could love you
Just dunno how to
Hold me and tell me how
Please do so now
You seem to
Breathe only for me
As I'm your relief
That you couldn't live without me
The air you breathe
You're too obsessed
yet I'm impressed
I do want to love you
Like you do
Make me love you
Make me as entranced as you
Are in me
Make yourself vital
As the air I breathe
My only relief
You're chasing me
That attention does not make me unhappy
i know you'll never betray me
You'll never hurt me
You love me too much
for that
That doesn't seem so bad
Yet the attraction is not here
I wanna love my dear
But I can't love
Make me love you
Make me as obsessed as you
Are in me
the air I breathe
My only relief
If you could do that
All of this doesn't seem so bad
Just a bit of attraction is all I need
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