all of our our good memories
i still remeber them
rather fondly
all the times we laughed
the times we cried
the times where you and i lied
the times we fought
the times i though i lost you
it was all fun
yet on the long run
reality caught up to me
she oh so kindly
reminded me
that you were long gone
you left me long ago
yet i still lived with your shadow
forgot you're no longer there
i maybe wasn't aware or i chose to deny
so that i wouldn't be hurt
so that i wouldn't cry
try to join you
they said to me
why you're still holding onto all
so obsessively
i told them this place is full of traces
and memories
but i'm lying
i resisted and still resisting
so i'm imagining all
as a way of coping
but there was no trace
he even existed