So, I'm from the midwest, and ever scince I moved to the south, all I hear is people making fun of the words I use. So, let's hear some slang from around the world. SHALL WE DARLING!?
Ended April 4, 2020 • 7 Entries • Created by Weeping
Here in my town in the Balkans it is normal to call any lad or buddy you know or you are familiar gurry. Often in conversation there is "... my gurry... you know that gurrry... he is real gurry..." and so on. As we are university city many young people come here from other parts of the country and even further as far as Greece. After a while here one young lad said to his closest friends something like "Gurry? Who is that Gurry, whom every one in the town knows? Wherever I go I hear Gurry this, Gurry that...Who is that Gurry?"
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