the wasteland prophet said
“we are the hollow men we are the stuffed men headpiece filled with straw” because the prophet knew of dry nothings and foretold an end with a whimper and yet he hated jews so so much for prophets but we still seek them we still want easy answers from great “i can fix it” men and “jesus told me” men not modest thinkers who think longform over tweets and not experts because why pay for homeland security epidemic modeling or cdc specialist in china with our hard-earned tax dollars when the prophets will save us hollow prophets headpiece filled with straw if only we can tell the hollow from the hallowed nurses doctors grocery cashiers warehouse workers you see when the world burns the straw burns and we see whose head is flammable if only we believe the meek are blessed if only we prize the everyday if only we remember remember the third of November after losses too great to tally in a tiktok