Day One
Day One:
Ship. High. In. Transit.
Or in other words, this sucks. I worked at a preschool up until today. I wasn't payed much, but eight an hour as a teacher is better than nothing. Now I've got no job, and no income. And I actually miss my kids. At least I get some time off, that hasn't happened since my wisdom teeth were pulled.
Day 2:
I bought a mandolin. It arrived today. I've spent the whole day learning chords and playing with it. My fingers are sore, but now I can sing hymns with the thing! Successful day.
Day 5:
My sister and I decided to learn to make Cambodian styled wrap pants. We pulled some fabric and began making them. They're comfortable and look good. At least this quarantine isn't going to waste.
Day 9:
So today I made cake. A lot of cake. A three teired wedding cake to be exact. Why? Because why not?! Maybe someone will actually get married and they'll need me to make a cake for them. At least I'll have more practice. The last wedding cake I made for someone wasn't as perfect as I'd like.
Day 14:
Slept all day. Now I feel like I failed at something. Had zero desire to go outside or see people. The longer I isolate the more introverted I seem to become.
Day 18:
I knocked a wall in my house down today and connected two closets. Lowes is still open in my town, so I risked infection to buy materials. Had to learn to wire the two lights together and put up shelves. No need for electricians or construction people here! And I started helicopter ground school cause like, why not?
Day 26-27:
Not doing that again. I decided I needed a garden, so I made one. it involved approximately five hours of shoveling and hand tilling, three hours of planting, and lots of worms. Eew.
Day 30:
My mother wants another garden.
I wish I could stay home and chill some more. No need for anyone but me and YouTube. Work sucks. Other people also are effort, and they suck. Too bad we can't always be in quarantine, it's so efficient for living life!