Appreciate a world pre and post corona
A world without the virus. Hard to imagine. Was it really just weeks ago? I can‘t believe it. Life will not be the same as before but better. We will do the same things but appreciate them more. I won‘t just be going on walk I will be going on a wonderful walk in the nature with birds chirping and the wind blowing softly. I am going to see other people on my way, greet them, chat with them without fear of catching corona.
My friends will come over. I will drink coffee with them, catch up on all the celebrations we missed because of corona and I am even going to hug them. Something I haven‘t done in a while and never have I appreciated a hug as much as I will this one. It‘s been to long.
I won‘t just be going on another night out but I will have the privilege to be in a room full of people without being scared, I will happily drink my beer whilst thinking about my privilege. The privilege of a social life, of a happy and healthy world.
I might even appreciate going back to work. Sitting on a desk all day while looking in the face of my lovely coworker who I probably would have called stupid months ago.
In Summer I will go on a vacation. Every step will feel special. Getting public transport in a crammed train, the airport. Planes are going to all different countries, letting me have this adventure. Nothing will be annoying, everything will be great. A few months ago none of that would have happened.
Smile, the world is back to normal. Appreciate it because who knows how long for.