The act of art
You would have thought the paper mill was mean to us
until we met the other of the underworld
first debarked from our roots
shredded to chips
then acid abused
churned in bleach
to soften our bits
rolled to sheets
sheets in rolls
all packaged for you
we were not told
We carry the marks
the scars of pulping
like drawings on cave walls
crafted with crude tools
you could feel the illustrations
connect to the story
When you grab us
on that roll
(The heavens singing in high note)
and pull like a tight rope
our story is not what been told
(The heavens switch to low note)
Not looking back
to admire our roughness
connect to the harshness of the bleach
burning acid
grinders with big teeth
Not looking back to our roots
The forest that once was
but now its gone
You come back again
the other of the underworld
to use us to wipe
those unpleasant spots