Alcohol wipes. Air hugs
Hand sanitizers. Yard talks .
Give me the vodka. Elbow high-five.
Is it clean enough? How far are you?
White mask. Fabric mask. Halloween mask. Orange peel mask.
Lettuce mask. Onion mask. Bra mask. Diaper mask. Tampon mask.
You know what humans are. Two-eyes-one-nose-one-mouth Homo.
Toilet paper. Campbell's chicken soup. Baked beans. Cereals.
Frozen peas. Frozen pizza. Frozen dip. Frozen everything.
Empty shelves. Confused omnivores. Six-foot checkout.
What’s the news? Positive cases. Negative faces.
Is your president sick? Is your grandma sick?
Is your dad sick? Is your baby sick? Am I sick…?
Bored kids. Crazy parents. Looong holiday.
Barren streets. Silent offices. Light’s out.
My paychecks. Oh, my bygone days.
Tired doctors and nurses. Heroes.
Trash men. Unsung heroes.
Do you get some sleep?
Summer is here.
You aren't.