Goodbye, Akita.
I'll never forget the overcast sky and the feel of soft rain on my face, standing not far from the knoll near my childhood home. Before me lay a grave and before it, a a figure shrouded in a sky blue blanket. There lay Akita, my first pet and loyal friend. Despite only being five years old I remember not feeling sad. I mourned for the loss of my friend, but I felt strangely at peace. I understood, even then, that I would not be seeing her again, this became my first experience with the finality of death. My father lifted the bundle and lowered it gently into the the ground and I watched solemnly as earth was heaped upon the bones of my old friend. Though I shed tears for her, they were not only tears of sadness but of fondness. I still remember her quite fondly and this relationship between boy and dog helped shaped who I am today. I regard animals, not only houshold pets, as creatures worthy of dignity and protection. I learned much that day about life, death, friendship, kinship with animal life, and letting go. Goodbye, Akita, and thank you.