We step beyond the safety of the fog.
The mist slowly begins to dissipate,
And our eyes now see the brightness.
It’s too intense.
We take a step back,
And tuck ourselves into,
A soft fold somewhere between,
The gray light of blindness—
And the vivid light of sight.
We fear that which is unknown, yet curiously yearn to touch that which awaits us.
We reach one hand out of the cool, moist softness of the mist and feel the warmth of sunlight.
It warms our skin. It offers us comfort. It welcomes … yet, we hear the echoes from our childhood,
“The sunlight can burn your skin.
The sunlight can blind your eyes.
The sunlight can start a fire.”
The message seems clear.
Too much sight is dangerous.
Too much intensity will hurt.
Too much comfort will become comfortable. Beware!
And yet … I turn to find you in the mist and ask, “Are you there still?”
Your voice is quiet, but reassuring. “I’m here.”
After an eternity of minutes, we tentatively step again beyond the safety of the fog,
Our hands together in a loving grasp.
We step beyond the dissipating mist -- our free hands shading our eyes.
This time our eyes adjust more gradually and our will is strengthened by each other.
We slowly become aware of the beauty that exists in the sunlight.
The warmth of the sun invites us. We slowly sip its sensual sweetness.
We are awestruck by the plethora of colors – a symphony for the eyes
Playing minuets in the shade and marches in full brilliance.
A tear of wonder spills from my eye and says what words cannot.
Your kiss stops it from falling unseen and I look at you for the first time.
The beauty of what I see in your eyes draws me to you as never before,
And as I rest my weary head upon your loving shoulder,
I know that despite the childhood echoes–
We will never be able to hide in the mist again.