The New Modern
The human condition – how do we analyze it? Can we acknowledge that a test of humanity has been put to us for the first time in the modern era? We’ve seen some of the worst the human race has to offer from selfish esteem, profit mongering, and greed, to many of our best qualities – a helping hand, mass moral support, and sharing. We are hardly a race united, but infants opening our eyes to new horizons, new opportunities, and new dangers. This is a first for us all.
The drawbridge has descended, the walls have come down, and the doors have burst open. The murky haze that had shrouded the earth has been lifted, the thorn bushes cut, and cobbled paths rebuilt as we venture forward into a new world never having been discovered by current generations.
I can hear birdsong on the gangly branches scratching against my outer walls. Life returns to the twig upon which the small feathered poet is perched. It sings a song of healing. I’ve never realized it, nor paid much attention to the beauty of their music until now. Lush green blooms and blossoms on this Lenten as the tune is sung.
Curfews have been curtailed and chains unshackled. Along the entire block, the neighbours set foot out their front porches, not yawning or tired on a Monday morning, but bright eyed and full of smiles. The air is fresh once more. Its scent more vibrant and pure in the dawning breeze. Everyone waves to one-another and invites are extended to try a savvy fresh blend of coffee. RSVP – immediately, but BYOHS – bring your own hand sanitizer, and leave your footwear on the mat outside.
The Mini Mall is no longer minimal, but bustling with activity. I saw that gentleman walking down the main drag with a mask on just the other day. It appears as though he’s shed it and reinvigorated his confidence among the public.
My favourite hairdresser is once again open for business. Upon walking in, I’m not surprised to see a no-touch cleansing dispenser. Taped to it is a note to clients requiring it be used upon entry – no exceptions. It’s good to see these ladies back. Each of them wearing different coloured dispensable gloves. They’re happy to be working, but caution is the first order.
A major acquisition deal has just been concluded by my employer – a major corporation. It’s been hard work, but finally they’ve been able to put together the final pieces of the offer in person rather than through conference calls to faceless chatter from a residence. Handshakes and pat-on-the-backs for everyone... perhaps the Japanese formality would succeed here, at least in its minority – a smile and a nod will do nicely.
Lunch has been brought in to celebrate – individually wrapped for everybody. Those wanting a doughnut afterwards may do so. Be sure to read the label on each individual box in making your selection to ensure you get the flavour you want.
Ensure you wash up. Use the dispenser when you come in and leave. Cleanliness and sanitizing has become the norm. Our lives, our economies, our interactions with others has changed and measures placed as to not repeat that which ill-fell so many and cost the lives of good people.
Never shall this be forgotten, and as people, we should learn this lesson well.