The Reason
STUDENTS are seated at desks with computers on them in a box-like room. Windows occupy a significant portion of the leftmost walls, but the only light in the room comes from dull fixtures on the ceiling. They face a whiteboard completely obscured with smudges. The desks extend in 5 rows of 8 seats that reach the back of the room. The only sounds are the students’ heavy breathing as they choke on the air, which is clearly laden with dust.
The door on the left of the room, by the whiteboard, opens. The INSTRUCTOR (40) arrives with nothing in her hands. She busily walks up to the lecturn.
Students. We’ve much to discuss today.
Their whispers of assent come from different parts of the room at different times like a pitiful orchestra. An extended silence ensues even after the whispers die down. No one is distracted, but they could hardly be described as focused either. They stare at the INSTRUCTOR with glazed, sorrowful expressions.
Look at this graph. The data. The information.
She gestures vaguely, but with passion, at the smudged whiteboard. There is still nothing written on it.
The room buzzes uneasily with their murmurs of understanding. The INSTRUCTOR scans the room with authority. None of the students are able to maintain eye contact. They crumple like dessicated flowers under her gaze.
(urgently, with frustration)
How? How could this be? And why?
(repeating in penitent whispers)
A brief pause.
(banging on her lecturn, almost wailing)
Why, why, WHY?
All of the students are bowing their heads now. Only heavy breathing again. Some choke on the dust. One GIRL (20) in the front row bursts quietly into tears, only barely adding noise to the room. The INSTRUCTOR turns to her with sympathy, but it disappears as her face shrivels with disgust.
You are dismissed.
The INSTRUCTOR abruptly marches out of the classroom. No one follows. All of the STUDENTS continue to exist at their desks, unblinking. Many weep to themselves bitterly.