Kick Rocks and Soda Cups
Joy is a challenge overcome.
Happiness is a dream made true.
Happiness is the overrated end goal that is always out of grasp;
much like 'tomorrow' it'll never really arrive, but it's the hope that comes with it that makes the ever-changing concept so essential.
Happiness is the root of deceit and so often where a character unravels.
The prospect of something so elusive and unrealistic is the risk that preys on weakness.
It's chasing perfect and it's chasing impossible. Yet still so worth the investment.
Joy is the margins in the pursuit of happiness, the little victories, the pleasant surprises, the feasible, the within arms reach, the butterfly that lands in your hand.
It is unlikely but everyday at the same time, and it's the small-reward incentive that comes from just existing, and sometimes appreciating the little things makes all the difference.
Anything can be both, but they are not always the same.