Read this backwards
Raphael slowly kissed her cheek
just once and she felt a pulling away
or maybe she just wanted there to
be a reason she didn’t feel the same
Scientists yesterday found a
parallel universe not far
from Raphael's fraternity house
where time runs backwards
a crazy idea
and while she struggled
against Raphael’s desire
after too many Bud Lights
and guilt
in the time that she was being pulled
towards the bedroom
she disappeared in her mind
against the grain of time
and tried to go back to when
she could avoid
meeting Raphael
at that frat party
a total erasure
of their chemistry
but it turns out
when time goes backwards
and you adjust
one inconclusive thing
like him handing her that beer
you want to erase many things
that only belong with her
in a parallel universe where
you cease to be able to predict
motives and consequences and
the lines are blurred
she puts her hand over his mouth
like this
and when she plays it back
he is no
longer kissing her
Raphael just sits with her
and exists in every