A puzzle choice only for the smart and knowledgeable! Tanlov!
In this challenge, I am writing a puzzle in Uzbek (this is just the law of the game) But my post cannot be accurately translated via google translate. But can you find the answer to this puzzle based on logic and your own reasoning? If you think you are the smartest person (even if you don’t think so) try this puzzle! And don't forgot to tag me! @Sherzod!!! Tanlov...
hech narsa. Allohdan buyuk narsa va shaytondan yomonroq narsa yo'q. boylarda u yo'q, kambag'allar esa bor. hech narsa atomdan kichikroq emas va biz bo'sh joy qachon bo'shligini ham ayta olamiz.
I never by no means the smartest. Let’s just say I apply knowledge correctly. Did you know kindergarteners answer this riddle correctly more often than Harvard graduates?